Christmas For Me!

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything on my blog, and that’s largely due to my addiction to League of Legends. There’s just so many characters, runes, and skills to unlock! Unfortunately for you, reader, this is not an OMG-I-Love-This-Amazing-Game post (although I’m sure i would have plenty of material to write about considering its awesomeness). Rather, this is an OMG-Buy-Me-Stuff-For-Christmas post.

Now some people might find that a little snobbish and conceited, but I’m going to put that question to rest and tell you that it most definitely is. Still I feel that this post has value, because I’ve been told a number of times that people don’t know what to get me for Christmas. Or if I finally tell them, it’s too late in the year for them to actually get them anything I request. This post is for all those people who love me and also have deep pockets. Let’s get started.

  1. I want a sweet new mouse. Specifically the special edition Razer Naga. The red one.
  2. Believe it or not, I also want to start building a new computer. The first thing on the list is a new motherboard. I like this one. Yes it’s red and black. Yes it has 3 PCI Express slots. Yes, it’s expensive.
  3. iTunes gift cards.
  4. An iPad. I still hate Apple though (mostly).
  5. I don’t care what you think, but I want a Proto Man crochet hat as can be seen here.
  6. I would also like a bunch of crochet E-Tanks.
  7. USB gaming headset of the Razer variety.
  8. Melting Pot or Benihana gift cards.
  9. California wine.

That’s all I can think of at the moment. As I think of more things I’ll add it to the list.

Rob / December 1, 2010 / Uncategorized

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