Flash Games Are Fun!

And it’s even more fun to make them.

I’ve been wanting to make games since I was a kid, but now I’m finally old/skilled enough to be able to do just that. After months of discussion and brainstorming with a friend of mine, and a brilliant coworker’s idea of having Code Bashes after work, the three of us finally became motivated enough to try our hand at making a Flash game. It seems fitting, as I’m sure you’ve noticed that many of the great indie developers of today got their start doing Flash games. Plus, we each have years of experience coding in ActionScript from work. We can easily be as awesome as those other game development peoples.

We’re being slightly secretive about certain aspects of the game, and much of the design is still to be determined. In other words, don’t be TOO impressed with its epicness, because there’s much more to come. I’ll attempt to keep new features and updates posted here. Currently the game is codenamed “Blue Cheese Fries” for some particular reason I don’t feel like explaining at the moment.

Click here or the link at the top of the site to see it.

Rob / October 27, 2010 / Coding, Cool Stuff

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